Subj : Add Ons
To   : David
From : echicken
Date : Sat Feb 10 2018 12:15 am

 Re: Add Ons
 By: David to All on Fri Feb 09 2018 21:45:05

Da> First, I am not a programmer - at all. However. I should be by now, I have

It's never too late to learn.  In the meantime you're stuck waiting for someone
willing and able to make these things for you.

Da> Second, here is the idea, have some addons that make Synchro look like /X
Da> AmiExpress BBS for the Amiga. I am seeing more and more people have an
Da> Amiga related BBS, maybe we could have some more addons related to this.

I'm vaguely familiar with the Ami/X aesthetic but it's not clear what you're
looking for. On the surface this sounds like a customization job:

Display files, a command shell, text.dat, etc. would all play a part.  Slightly
more advanced, SyncTERM's new-ish font support might be useful in this case -
but leave that for later.

You might take a crack at it yourself; many a novice sysop has bludgeoned their
way through these things (though many more have simply stayed with the stock

Da> Third, a more simple way to configure binkd. I hate to say it, but Mystic
Da> has an awesome way of doing it. Why can't we?

Editing some ini files doesn't seem that bad to me, but I haven't bothered with
FTN in ages so I have no idea how onerous the setup currently is.

How does Mystic do it?  Are you after some kind of menu-driven configurator for
binkit, tickit, etc.?  Maybe someone out there uses these tools and knows
enough javascript to put something together.  Tools are available for making
scfg-like interfaces for things like this.

Da> Finally, thanks for reading - hoping to see those additions soon.

Not that it matters all that much, but the 'Synchronet Discussion' sub is
probably the best place for this topic.

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