Subj : Re: Smalltalk/Self
To   : Deavmi
From : hseiken
Date : Fri Sep 22 2017 02:24 am

AnObject doSomething: withThis

AGlobalVariable := (Object doingSomething)

AGlobalVariable ifFalse: [ArbitraryObject andItsMessage]

Since the entire system is live, there's no textual editor, it would make no
sense: it's code you're meant to dissect while it's running, even if it's
crashing, you can still examine it as it runs 'wrong', all the way down to
the bytecode level if you wish.  I'm not that hardcore, I just like making
stuff do things without worrying about having to remember if I initialized
something or not...smalltalk is a sketchpad, if nothing else, where concept
is first, syntax be damned.  In fact, it's kind of like a weird way to always
write your own language...which ends up being useful when you come back to
code you haven't looked at in kinda is it's own rosetta stone.