Subj : Those first dev jobs blues
To   : All
From : Zet
Date : Fri Jun 23 2017 05:44 pm

So, I recently moved across the world to start my first official job as a
Junior Software developer. I was super excited to be given the opportunity, and
I was really looking forward to earning money for doing what I love... Boy what
a plot twist...

I don't really know what I was expecting, but I was completely overwhelmed by
the new job. Everyone knows so much more than I do, and I cannot help but feel
a little inferior. The guy in charge of training me intimidates the hell out of
me too. He's been working on the system since the beginning, and when I ask
questions, he always answers it with this "how don't you know that" tone in his
voice which really makes me feel stupid.

Another unexpected problem is that there is not a single comment in the
thousands of lines of code. Other than that, it seems that there exists not one
document describing how the system works or fits together. The smallest
assignments has me hunting for hours instead of actually developing, which is
annoying the hell out of me, and also adds to my insecurity. Add to this the
fact that I am adept (at best) at speaking the language, and you have a totally
unsure and frustrated new employee.

Why am I telling you all this? Simply, because I need to vent. I am very
frustrated, and I am having doubts in my abilities because of this. Luckily I'm
not the kind of person to give up easily, and I will keep giving my best, but
man is it hard!

Also, is it normal for large companies to not have any comments in their code?
I swear if there were at least some vague explaination of the code, I would
have been productive so much faster!

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