Subj : Re: Opinion on Pascal
To   : Deavmi
From : Hemo
Date : Sat Apr 01 2017 01:07 pm

-=> Deavmi wrote to Hemo <=-

De> On 2017-04-01 05:48 AM, Hemo wrote:
> -=> Deavmi wrote to Hemo <=-
>  >
>  De> Python is technically seen as a scripting language too but atleast it's
>  De> better. Idk though. i love Python (you can use it as a command-line,
>  De> just differently).
> Perl falls to mind as well. now there's one that is confusing.  About 15
> different ways and back to do just about anything, ranging from complete
> gibberish to human readable.  And it all works.
> ... I'm not anti-social; I'm just not user friendly.
> --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
>  � Synchronet � - Running madly into the wind and screaming
De> Perl to me is not a nice language. Ugly as hell.

Lol - yes, I can see that, though it is a language I do a lot of work in and I
try very hard to write in such a way that others can understand, and I comment
things heavily.   I use Perl for text file manipulations mostly, I think it
excels in this area.  I have started doing some of my daily taks in bash
scripts when I can, because others in our support team understand bash more
than Perl.

I dabbled in Pascal back in the 1990's, even wrote a few mods for Synchronet
back then that never really took off, but you can still find at least one of
them in BBS archives.  It was my first attempt, and much like the work I do
today, it was manipulating a text file to change data.  I didn't continue using
Pascal, and forgot most things.

In 1981 I wrote a huge multiple choice quiz system in Integer Basic on the
Apple ][ series.  It was basically a flat file database with a front end and an
editor.  I aced that class, and it was a fun project.  I recall the teacher
used the program for a few quizes in the following years.  (I gave permission)

I started a class on Python and dropped it because I couldn't get over some
things.  I can't recall what those things were, I should go take another look
at it.

--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
� Synchronet � - Running madly into the wind and screaming -