Subj : Re: Opinion on Pascal
To   : Hemo
From : Jagossel
Date : Fri Mar 31 2017 09:46 am

 Re: Re: Opinion on Pascal
 By: Hemo to jagossel on Thu Mar 30 2017 22:32:01

> I would never consider Bash a programming language any more than I would DOS

No argument from me on that point. I get it's not a programming language in the
fact that there is no code to compile. I never said that it is a programming

> But.. as a scripting language, it is similar to a programming language in th
> is has specific syntax for specific commands.  If you don't get the syntax
> correct, you're screwed no matter what language you're working in.

I totally get that. My point is that other languages (both scrpting and
programmimg languages) have SOME room for minor differenes in whitespacing.

Again, I have VERY LITTLE experience with BASH and I get tripped up from time
to time when I do use it and I have to look up some things in the manual.

Examples of where I stumbled a bit:
- Spaces inside the square brackets
- The special switches for if a directory or file exists or doesn't exist
- Accepting argumemts
- Defining functions first before calling it

Code it, Script it, Automate it!

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