Subj : Encoding issue
To   : All
From : Nelgin
Date : Wed Aug 30 2023 12:42 pm

Hi all,

I have a problem with character encoding and wonder if someone who deals with this sort of thing more often than I do can help.

On my linux system I have two files that report as "Unicode text, UTF-8 text"
when using file.

While one file correctly displays � (e with an acute accent) the other file displays an A with a tilde above followed by the copyright symbol.

Obviously, other characters are also displayed incorrectly.

I've tried various iterations of iconv to try and correct the output of the misprinting file but with no success.

A hexdump shows that the incorrectly displaying file has the following
c3 83 c2 a9

Whereas the correctly displayed file has
c3 a9

So, I'm open to suggestions on how to fix this using some native program rather than having to do search and replace.

� Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS -