Subj : Re: Screen or tmux?
To   : Gamgee
From : DaiTengu
Date : Wed Sep 29 2021 10:24 am

 Re: Re: Screen or tmux?
 By: Gamgee to DaiTengu on Sat Sep 25 2021 08:40 pm

Bo>>> I use Linux, so SCP is an option, but it means starting another
Bo>>> shell to run the command.  Zmodem means I can do it within the
Bo>>> shell.

Ga>> Did not know about this ability within screen. Very cool. Just
Ga>> tried it and it works perfectly.

Da>> I use MobaXTerm in windows which has a small built-in scp gui
Da>> where you can click/drag files to transfer them.  It's not free,
Da>> but it's well worth it, especially when you have to deal with and
Da>> organize over a thousand different servers.

Ga> Thankfully, Windows is not something I have to deal with.

I use Windows on my primary computer, as I play video games, and a lot of the ham radio stuff I have also requires windows (getting any of that stuff to run reliably under WINE is a nightmare I don't want to deal with).

The other 6 computers sitting around me are all running some flavor of Linux, and one runs BSD.


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