Subj : Re: Screen or tmux?
To   : poindexter FORTRAN
From : Ksource
Date : Mon May 17 2021 03:19 am

 Re: Re: Screen or tmux?
 By: poindexter FORTRAN to Gamgee on Fri Apr 30 2021 06:59 am

> -=> Gamgee wrote to All <=-
>  Ga> For you Linux users... what's your pick - screen or tmux, and why?
> Tmux - it just makes more sense to me. I'm a little late to the game,
> playing more with screen multiplexers now. Where I used to open a couple of
> Putty sessions, I can now do everything with one session and Tmux.

Honestly I think you're in a good position. I use screen because I've been
around for a while and screen was the first really decent terminal
multiplexer. The codebase for GNU Screen is pretty gnarly and there's not a
lot of substantial development on it to speak of. tmux has a cleaner (and
smaller/simpler) codebase and attracts more development.

I tried tmux once and it was fine. I spent all my time configuration it to
work like screen and thought "well, this is pointless, I'll just use screen".
I think if I were coming into it new and didn't have any habits and
muscle-memory built up, I would start with tmux, though.

I'll use screen until I need something screen can't do, and then I'll switch
to tmux, I think.

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