Subj : Re: Screen or tmux?
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From : Wa1tnr
Date : Tue May 04 2021 09:59 am

 Re: Re: Screen or tmux?
 By: Dream Master to Nelgin on Mon May 03 2021 08:13 am

I use picocom.  It's got enough command line switches to
warrant a shell script to launch it.

Will convert line endings on the fly; supports ascii-xfr.

I use it to talk to microcontrollers via USART or USB
(CDC/ACM stuff).

I have no idea if it'll telnet or ssh.

Sometimes I'll try tinyfugue by .. I don't remember .. at
some point I'm pretty sure I need to be listening for telnet
inbound connections to use tinyfugue effectively (because it
was designed to talk to telnet destinations such as LambdaMOO).

So I probably /world localhost or similar to telnet to the
(Linux) locahost.  When I get a shell prompt (split screen,
like IRSSI for example) I can then ssh out to a BBS on the

SCREEN is great if you have a shell account on someone else's
machine, because of the detach/attach feature; it lets you
stay logged into a BBS that doesn't time out your session,
even when your modem has dropped carrier (including shutting
down a DSL modem for any reason you may want to do so).

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