Subj : BSD-Like Linux distributions
To   : DaiTengu
From : Arelor
Date : Wed Oct 21 2020 05:53 pm

 Re: BSD-Like Linux distributions
 By: DaiTengu to Arelor on Tue Oct 20 2020 02:46 pm

>  Gentoo is about the closest you'll get. Its package management system is called "portage".  It downloads the source for eac
> package, then compiles it with your custom compile flags.
> Often times people call it "Linux for ricers" ( "ricers, being a somewhat racist, derogatory term for people that soup up th
> cars, often of Japanese make)
> I run Gentoo on my dev box, which is also the machine that hosts my dialup line (which then forwards to my BBS server).
> DaiTengu

Thanks for the tip.

I have actually been looking at Gentoo. I don't like the fact everything is rolling, and compiling everything seems too time
consuming. It is the sort of thing that would work if you had 50 identical computers, though. You could build a package
compiling cluster and then deploy packages to all your machines. I used to do that with OpenBSD since it comes with the
software required to set a compilation cluster by default :-)

Void Linux is also interesting, but it is also rolling.

I will probably end up trying both for a couple of months each though.


� Synchronet � Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL