Subj : not smart
To   : Warp 4
From : Android8675
Date : Wed Oct 07 2020 08:12 am

 Re: "not smart" linux questio
 By: Warp 4 to Android8675 on Tue Oct 06 2020 05:08 pm

>  An> So I'm running a Ubuntu box, and I killed the graphical bits and just
>                       ^^^^^^
> First mistake <grins>  Ok, I am biased towards RHEL-based distros like
> CentOS and Fedora, but have never had any luck with the modern releases
> of Ubuntu (give me back my 7.xx version of Ubuntu and I will run it all
> day long <smiles>).

So I've been tinkering with Unix since SCO Unix, but it wasn't until Debian/Ubuntu that I started to really like using *nix like OSs. (That and I'm just tired of Windows bullshit). I used RedHat for a short while (couldn't tell you what version. 3? 4?). So what's RHEL mean? What makes Cent/Fedora different? Keep in mind I am not super into kernal hacking or doing weird shit. I can build source if I have a walkthrough/INSTALL file on hand, but I'm not a genious guy.

> PuTTY and XMink are, in my experience, your best solution.  We use it
> where I work so that our developers can SSH into our application server
> and use XMing to run things like Eclipse, Firefox, etc, through the SSH
> tunnel while still having the command line.

I got Xming working at my work PC, but what kind of bandwidth do you need? my upstream pipe from home is like 10-15mbps so not amazingly fast. Seems really sluggish, but maybe I have something setup incorrectly?



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