Subj : Re: Letsyncrypt/Certbot
To   : Gamgee
From : paulie420
Date : Sun Jun 14 2020 03:46 pm

 Re: Re: Letsyncrypt/Certbot
 By: Gamgee to paulie420 on Sun Jun 14 2020 07:50 am

Ga> -=> paulie420 wrote to Gamgee <=-

pa>> Slacks scripting method is one reason why I was *drawn* to it...
pa>> the package manager thru scripts isn't all... it has its benefits
pa>> too.

Ga> Yes, I know. Been using it daily for 20+ years. My BBS runs on
Ga> it. This message comes from my daily driver laptop running it.

Lol - So I know who to bug when its giving me issues. :P You know, Arch linux was really the first distro that helped me to 'get it'. Like... I'm UNDERSTANDING what make clean install does now; I'm loving the AUR repo (I know, not Slack but..)... both Slack & FreeBSD also work in these logical ways - and kinda force or push the user to understand and grasp things as opposed to just google searching on an iPad next to 'said' linux box and typing in 'answers'.

Since I installed ARCH, these other systems like Slack and FreBSD are making a lot more sense. Build what you need, nothing else.


� Synchronet � >>>American Pi BBS @>>>Rockin like its 1993!>>>