Subj : Telnet and ZMODEM
To   : All
From : Boraxman
Date : Thu Apr 30 2020 09:18 pm

Hoping that someone here might be able to help me.  I'm having a little trouble
using the zmodem programs rz/sz through telnet on Linux with BBSs.  Now, I know
that one can use Syncterm, or ztelnet, or even screen, but this is a problem
because its bugging me because it is something I should know how to get working

As far as I know, through telnet one should be able to launch rz to receive a
zmodem transfer.  The problem is, that rz is launched, but it doesn't start the
transfer.  I start rz by pressing CTRL-] and typeing "! rz" at the telnet
command prompt.  I've tried starting rz in a
subshell, suspending telnet and starting rz in the parent shell.

It works when I use screen, or zmodem, but I want to know why it doesn't work
when I do it.  Can it work, or is what I'm doing just not possible.

Any hints or info appreciated.

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