Subj : Stripped down Debian dist
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Sun Aug 18 2019 06:51 pm

>That said, keep in mind that what usually trashes system resources are the appl
>cations you are runnig. Oftentimes the problem is that a modern up-to-date brow
>er or office suite you MUST use wants to eat more RAM than you have. You are no
>fixing that by switching distributions or operating systems.

Thanks.  This is a server with no X or X apps running.  The base debian
install apparently did install some stuff I thought it should not have,
like pulseaudio, since the machine has no soundcard.  I believe the issue
was multiple processes running amok but I was not able to even get logged
on to see what was going on... the processes had it really tied up.  I made
that assumption based on the error messages that were showing up.

That was with 10. On Debian 9, I have plenty of RAM and CPU available. <shrugs>

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