Subj : Stripped down Debian dist
To   : All
From : Arelor
Date : Sun Aug 18 2019 06:39 am

 Re: Stripped down Debian dist
 By: Dumas Walker to ALL on Sat Aug 17 2019 07:41 pm

> Is there still a stripped down distribution, based on debian, which keeps
> the kernel and security packages updated while remaining a version behind,
> or while stripping the bells and whistles?

I have been far from the Debian universe for a while, so I am not sure how the status is right now, but back in the day you could just install a minimum system using the main official installer and then install whatever you wanted on top of it. Netinstalls were very popular because they allowed for the same thing too: you installed the basics first, then added only the necessary components you wanted after the fact.

If that does not work for you, I would just switch distribution rather than try to find a Debian derivative, mainly because I don't think close Debian derivatives can be made more lightweight than a pure Debian you have manually stripped off. Alpine Linux seems to be a common choice for barebones systems. You may also try other Unix operating systems. NetBSD can probably be made into a very lightweight install. Same with OpenBSD if you are careful.

That said, keep in mind that what usually trashes system resources are the applications you are runnig. Oftentimes the problem is that a modern up-to-date browser or office suite you MUST use wants to eat more RAM than you have. You are not fixing that by switching distributions or operating systems.

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