Subj : Linux For P4
To   : AL
Date : Sun Nov 18 2018 12:49 am

RM> I'm wondering if there is a very light Linux version that will still
RM> run on an old P4 machine. (Intel 2.66 Ghz with 512 meg Ram).

AL>I run Slackware, a fairly simple OS. I'm sure it'll run on your 2.66 Ghz Inte
 >Nothing wrong with that CPU type and speed. The RAM is a little low but I'm
 >sure you can still run an X desktop in that although it may be a little slow
 >from swapping.

I've saved your suggestion..  Even if I've only briefly run Linux in the
past I've always kept the Linux conference active on my BBS feed so I
could follow what's been going on to a point.

My impression of Slackware from earlier comments was it's requires a more
serious effort, steeper learning curve, to operate than some others.
(Not exactly Windows user friendly)  Is that fair or am I mistaken ?

I may get more involved with it if I start running some version for
a while again. Back in the early 80's I was doing things like writing
my own Operating System text front ends for DOS and my own games and
such so I wasn't afraid to get into complex command line work, it's
more that I don't want to have to learn a whole lot to get something
up and running before I find out if it's the way I want to go..

Thanks for your ideas though. I've saved that information in case
it ends up being a good way to go.

� SLMR Rob  � Beware of programmers carrying screwdrivers �
� PDQWK 2.52 #17
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