Subj : Retro Computing
To   : poindexter FORTRAN
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Nov 15 2018 09:24 am

 Re: Retro Computing
 By: poindexter FORTRAN to Nightfox on Wed Nov 14 2018 06:56 pm

PF> My 2014 Prius has a interface that looks like it came out of a kids
PF> Leapfrog toy, and updates have been sparse. They just announced that
PF> Pandora would no longer work, but they couldn't figure out some way to
PF> remove the button (or didn't want to pay for it)

I've never been able to get Pandora to work with my car stereo.  Supposedly
after connecting my phone with Bluetooth, it looks like the Pandora on my car
stereo is supposed to be able to communicate with Pandora on my phone, but it
has never been able to.

PF> The map uses a DVD that's now showing its age, and updates are $160. I
PF> could get a cheap Chinese Android head unit for that price.

I've tried using the Garmin software to get updated maps for my car stereo, but
the software isn't even listing any new maps available.


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