Subj : Re: Running Linux In Vm O
To   : Chai
From : Derision
Date : Mon Nov 12 2018 07:48 pm

 Re: Re: Running Linux In Vm O
 By: Chai to Nightfox on Sat Nov 10 2018 18:45:00

> Given the choice between having optical drives and not having them, I still
> prefer to have one.  I suppose the Internet is making them obsolete, but I
> find an occasional use for them.  I also still occasionally use my USB
> floppy drive from time to time, as well.

Me too. I actually find myself using it quite a bit. Part of my job is
maintaining my company's elderly computers (the general ledger is still run on
the CP/M version of dBase...!) so being able to access floppies is still super
important (though my MacBook Pro no longer supports USB floppies).

Blu-Rays and DVDs are also great for backing up. And while I have an AUX port
in my car, sometimes I just prefer to have a few CDs I can throw on and not
have to worry about plugging my phone into something.

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