Subj : Microsoft Win10 ARM
To   : Nightfox
From : Jagossel
Date : Fri Oct 26 2018 08:39 am

 Re: Re: Running linux in vm on li
 By: Nightfox to Android8675 on Thu Oct 25 2018 17:08:42

> I've heard Microsoft has been working on a version of Win10 that runs on ARM
> but I don't know of any such devices on the market yet.  I thought it was st
> in development, and that PC makers were still working on ARM-based Windows
> devices.

That wasn't the impression that I got years ago. I thought with Windows 8, they
did come up with an ARM version of Windows, and it was called "Windows 8 RT",
and was not well received by the consumers and Microsoft scraped the idea
pretty quickly when Windows 8.1 was released (or at least pulled it off the
market pretty quickly).

Who knows...

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