Subj : Re: Running linux in vm on li
To   : Jagossel
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Oct 17 2018 12:31 pm

 Re: Re: Running linux in vm on li
 By: Jagossel to Nightfox on Wed Oct 17 2018 02:31 pm

>> Well ARM actually doesn't make processors, ARM makes processor designs
>> and licenses the designs to other companies to make their own
>> processors with AR designs.  So Apple would be making their own
>> ARM-based processor.

Ja> Kind of like RISC? Although, I have heard that RISC is more open than ARM.

My understanding is that RISC is an architecture (Reduced Instruction Set
Computing).  Any CPU maker can make a processor with a RISC design.  RISC isn't
a specific company that is more open than another.

Ja> With ARM licensing their designs, that would make sense for Apple ro make
Ja> their own ARM chips. I would beinterested how that will work out for them
Ja> both sales wise and software wise.

Apple has switched CPUs in their Macs a couple times before (once from Motorola
68k to PowerPC, and then from PowerPC to Intel).  I'm sure they will probably
be okay.  I think it's a little disappointing though, because Macs with Intel
means they can run both OS X and Windows easily.  Compatibility will suffer a
bit, but that will be temporary.  But there will probably be a point where
Intel-based Mac apps won't be updated to run on ARM-based Macs, so Mac users
won't be able to use them anymore.

I imagine Apple is frustrated with Intel right now, but companies sometimes go
into a bit of a slump, but I don't think it should mean Apple should drop


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