Subj : Running linux in vm on linux box
To   : The Darkener
From : DaiTengu
Date : Sun Sep 30 2018 04:30 pm

 Re: Running linux in vm on linux box
 By: The Darkener to DaiTengu on Mon Sep 03 2018 03:28 pm

TD> I was really into Proxmox until I realized their pricing model and what
TD> proxmox actually is in comparison to running the bare services on your
TD> server. They have a wonderful web UI but if you're looking to scale, look
TD> to give them money for each CPU you license AFAIR.

Proxmox is free to use.  Without the community license (about $93 per year,
per physical cpu socket), you simply don't get access to actual support or
their update repository, so all updates have to be done manually.

It's dirt cheap when compared to something like Citrix XenServer, VMWare, or
any of the other enterprise virtualization products.

The less you pay for a hypervisor, the more work you have to do to do things.
Stuff like VMWare and XenServer can be single-click deploy systems. While other
stuff like KVM with ovirt on Linux requires a fair amount of tinkering to get
everything running just right.

(I run VM clusters as part of my day job, we recently moved from Proxmox to Xen
because management is stupid and likes to waste money)


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