Subj : Running linux in vm on linux box
To   : All
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Thu Jul 12 2018 07:11 pm

I have a few questions about running a linux distro in a vm on a linux box.  I
have read up about how to get Ethernet working over a bridge, but have not yet
got to installing the system, etc.

(1) When the qemu session is running, is it smart to use the xserver on the vm
instance?  If I am not using the xserver and running the vm instance in console
mode, will qemu catch certain keystrokes like ctrl-alt-2 so I can switch to
tty2 (for example) or will that keystroke combo be interpreted by the host

(2) If I can follow the directions and get the Ethernet bride working
correctly, so that the network can see both the host and vm, I assume I can
also do things like mount nfs shares in the vm.  Is that a correct assumption?

(3) Will I be able to access other hardware while in the vm, like a usb port
and whatever might be connected to it?

I have run DOS in a vm on a linux box, but I expect this to be different.  :)

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