Subj : whoa... alive and kicking
To   : Jagossel
From : Drakon
Date : Wed Jun 20 2018 04:38 pm

-=> Jagossel wrote to Drakon <=-

Nostalgic ? YES, very nostalgic, but i liked it.
It was a jump back in the time for me, magic moments, amazing era.

First steps in IT, i met a lot of beautiful people and learned a lot of things.

Thanks for the reply.

See you


Ja> Yes, it's true! BBSes are still here. I learned that myself a couple of
Ja> years ago after being curious. Nastalgic, isn't it?

Ja> Welcome! Hope you're here to stay!

Ja> -jag
Ja> Code it, Script it, Automate it!

Ja> ---
Ja>  � Synchronet � MtlGeek - Geeks in Montreal - -

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