Subj : Re: distro
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Dec 23 2017 12:10 pm

 Re: Re: distro
 By: MRO to Nightfox on Fri Dec 22 2017 09:03 pm

>> Now you're adding in the idea that he may have been paid to put it
>> in..  I just don't see why that would be very likely.

MR> you dont understand how this 'bug' was advantagious?

Any software flaw like this could be advantageous for someone who'd want to
exploit it..  Pretty much any software will have bugs in it eventually though,
including closed-source software.  If you look at the list of Windows updates,
for instance, there are a lot of security fixes from Microsoft.  Just because
there are security flaws, that doesn't mean someone intentionally put them in
the software, and they do get fixed once discovered.

I suppose Heartbleed could have just gone unreported for that long and the
media could have not been alerted about it or paid to keep quiet about it..  I
just somehow doubt it.  Why then suddenly report it and fix it?


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