Subj : Re: distro
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Dec 21 2017 06:47 pm

 Re: Re: distro
 By: MRO to Nightfox on Thu Dec 21 2017 05:44 pm

>> I'm very suspicious of that.  It makes me wonder what Microsoft is
>> trying to do by contributing to Linux that way.  Perhaps time will
>> tell if they want to turn Linux to their advantage or if they really
>> just want to contribute to Linux as an open-source OS.

MR> you should be more suspicious of the everyday linux contributers. those
MR> are the guys putting backdoors into shit that is putting us all at risk.

Are you wearing a tin foil hat, by chance?
One time I had a job interview and the interviewer asked what I thought about
Linux.  He told me he had more trust in Windows, because there's a small
dedicated team of people who are paid to develop Windows, and he trusted that
they'd make a good product.  I guess there's some sense to that, but he also
said that since Linux is free and open-source, he thought anyone could go and
put malware in Linux.  I hightly doubt that's the case..  My understanding is
that there's a review process, and bad stuff would be caught fairly soon.  I
think the fact that Linux is open-source is one of its strengths - There are
many developers contributing to it, probably far more than the number of people
at any one company.  Security holes seem to be fixed fairly quickly (I remember
the 'Heartbleed' bug that was reported a couple years ago, and it was fixed
fairly quick).


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