Subj : distro
To   : Jagossel
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Dec 21 2017 11:48 am

 Re: distro
 By: Jagossel to Nightfox on Thu Dec 21 2017 06:59 am

Ja> I agree with Nightfox on this point: OSes shouldn't always be free. If
Ja> there are developers who are good at what they do, they should be paid for
Ja> it. Closed or open source alike.

Ja> However, if the developer spends their spare time writing up free or open
Ja> source software, more power to them. Linux is just a kernel that help run
Ja> the GNU software, done by one person, who now runs a corporation dedicated
Ja> to improvimg the kernel. Same thing with FreeDOS and ReactOS. I love
Ja> FreeDOS, and I hope ReactOS can continue to improve and get to the point
Ja> of being stable and really take off.

I agree there too.
And I've been checking into ReactOS for the past 10 years or so, and in all
that time, it's still in an 'alpha' state.  I hope it will eventually reach a
state where it's feature-complete and mature enough to run as an everyday OS.
I'm a bit skeptical though, because they're basically reverse-engineering
Windows, and some Windows programming APIs are undocumented.  Microsoft (of
course) knows how to use those APIs, but it might be difficult for the ReactOS
developers to ensure it's 100% compatible with Windows.


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