Subj : distro
To   : KK4QBN
From : Jagossel
Date : Wed Dec 20 2017 09:37 am

 Re: distro
 By: KK4QBN to Nightfox on Wed Dec 20 2017 07:18:06

>  Ni> I did wonder about Microsoft's intentions when they started supporting
>  Ni> Linux more (I've heard of them releasing some version of Visual Studio
>  Ni> possibly some other of their tools for Linux).
> I'm speculating but, I wonder if tyhey don't try to buy out what they can of
> canonical. I know only so much can be done, because in this case hopefully t
> GNU/GPL license will protect us. but as you said, what are their intententio
> I know it's not to make linux and windows more "interoperable" bcause still,
> being the business man he is would much rather see any open source shut down
> tightly, so I would have to believe it's something more sinister in the long
> run. and Shuttleworth is really just seeing $$$ in is eyes, but us not looki
> to far in the future.

There is a partnership between Microsoft and Canonical, Ltd. I do see Microsoft
muddeling platforms with .NET Core, PowerShell Core, SQL Server 2017, and WSL
(the ability to run ELF binaries on Windows). I'm not sure of their intentions,
but if it is to shut down Linux or open source, it'll be a daring and stupid
move. Especially when .NET Core, PowerShell Core, ASP.NET Core,
EntityFramework, MSBuild, Roslyn, and et al, are open source as well.

Seriously, Microsoft has a lot repositories on GitHub, and non-Microsoft
employees are contributing to these repositories.

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