Subj : Favorite *Nix Distro
To   : KK4QBN
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Dec 19 2017 10:58 pm

 Re: Favorite *Nix Distro
 By: KK4QBN to (null) on Tue Dec 19 2017 10:56 pm

KK> 1: Debian [0 0.00%]
KK> 2: BSD [0 0.00%]
KK> 3: Ubuntu [0 0.00%]
KK> 4: Slackware [0 0.00%]
KK> 5: Redhat [0 0.00%]
KK> 6: Puppy [0 0.00%]
KK> 7: CentOS [1 33.33%] �
KK> 8: GenToo [0 0.00%]
KK> 9: Mint [1 33.33%] �
KK> 10: Arch [0 0.00%]
KK> 11: Other [1 33.33%] �

Good thing for the 'Other' option - There are probably too many Linux distros
to list.  :)  My current favorite is Mint, but I've also used CentOS and I like
that for a server OS.  SuSE (currently called OpenSuSE) was always one of my
favorite distros too.


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