Subj : distro
To   : KK4QBN
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Dec 19 2017 10:24 pm

 Re: distro
 By: KK4QBN to Nightfox on Tue Dec 19 2017 10:02 pm

Ni>> And I know Microsoft has been supporting Linux more these days, but
Ni>> I didn't think they were involved in any Linux distros or UI
Ni>> environments for Linux.

KK> and truly I think its more about MS wanting to nudge them into having
KK> GNOME only instead of giving choices of WM so when the cloud is
KK> implemented MS will not have to support so many envirnonments.

I could understand that though..  I suppose I'd have to read up on this more,
because I'm surprised to hear about Microsoft's interest in Ubuntu, and I'm
wondering why that distribution specifically (maybe because it's one of the
most popular, or the most popular)?

I did wonder about Microsoft's intentions when they started supporting Linux
more (I've heard of them releasing some version of Visual Studio and possibly
some other of their tools for Linux).


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