Subj : distro
To   : Nightfox
From : KK4QBN
Date : Tue Dec 19 2017 10:00 pm

 Re: distro
 By: Nightfox to KK4QBN on Tue Dec 19 2017 15:49:17

KK>> Oh yeah. Cananocial (sp) is trashing unity.. its all a money thing
KK>> too.. Oh yeah. Cananocial (sp) and M$
KK>> has something to do with it.. this is not some tinfoil hat theory
KK>> either.. came straight from a board meeting press release..

Ni> I thought Unity was probably an open-source thing. I didn't think it would
Ni> be there to make money.

It is'nt there to make money for the devels. microsoft stipulated they drop
unity so they can more easily embed their cloud platform int ubuntu.. you
cannot make this crap up.. and I swear this was straight from the ceos mouth.

Ni> And I know Microsoft has been supporting Linux more these days, but I
Ni> didn't think they were involved in any Linux distros or UI environments
Ni> for Linux.

ubuntu is about to intergrate into (onedrive) or whatever their cloud services
is in the near future.

at first I thought it was cool that you could have a native bash cli under
windows 10 without an emulated environment. now to see what road the ceo is
traveling i'm not liking it one bit..

and i really don't see how this is even bordering on legal anymore.


Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

* Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - - - Chatsworth GA USA