Subj : Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
To   : Chris
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Sep 13 2017 09:48 am

 Re: Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
 By: Chris to Nightfox on Tue Sep 12 2017 09:41 pm

Ch> I remember when you could get a box set also. Between Egghead, Walden
Ch> sofware and some of the computer/book stores like CompUSA, I remember
Ch> getting the early Mandrake and Redhat box sets. Even though nobody pays
Ch> for it today and it's taken for granted, I always thought it was worth the
Ch> $30 or so that you spent for what you got.

Even back then, you could usually download the Linux distros for free even
though you'd pay $30 or so in the store for a box set.  It seems a little odd
now when I think back on that..

Ch> Physical packaging in general for software is mostly going by the wayside,
Ch> and part of me misses that.

I miss that too.  There was something fun about going to a store, browsing, and
holding a box in my hands and taking it home, and then opening it and
installing it.  Nowdays, I do like the ease of buying software online and
downloading it, but it feels like there's something missing about it too.


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