Subj : Re: Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
To   : Zeb
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Aug 19 2017 05:36 pm

 Re: Re: Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
 By: Zeb to Nightfox on Sat Aug 19 2017 04:30 pm

Ni>> I didn't think you'd normally have to do anything to prepare an ISO
Ni>> for USB. I've written Linux and Windows ISOs to USB flash drives and
Ni>> never had to do anything special.. Perhaps the software I was using
Ni>> did the necessary stuff for me.

Ze> Windows ISOs definitely need some preparation - you can't just dd them
Ze> straight to a flash drive. I always have to use a program like Rufus (on
Ze> Windows) or WinUSB (on Linux) to make a Windows USB drive. Most Linux
Ze> distros, on the other hand, you can just dd to a flash drive.

That's what I've done when writing ISOs to a flash drive, I've used a tool such
as Rufus, etc..  Same with Linux ISOs, I've used Rufus and similar tools to
write Linux ISOs to USB drives (from Windows).  I didn't know you could just dd
Linux ISOs to a drive and have them boot, but the tools I normally use for
Windows make it as easy as opening the ISO and writing it to the drive.  As I
said, perhaps the tools I've used do the necessary stuff for me.


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