Subj : Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
To   : Nightfox
From : KK4QBN
Date : Sat Aug 19 2017 04:49 pm

 Re: Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
 By: Nightfox to KK4QBN on Wed Aug 16 2017 14:38:33

KK>> Slackware is the first linux I ever laid eyes on. we tried zipslack
KK>> first,

Ni> Me too, Slackware was the first Linux I saw. Slackware was one of the
Ni> first, and I think many people who looked at Linux in the early days
Ni> probably had a look at Slackware.. I haven't used it in years though. I'm
Ni> not sure it had much of a package manager (perhaps it does now?). I
Ni> remember reading a review on Slackware where someone described it
Ni> basically as an "image of some guy's hard drive".. :P

Yeah, thats pretty much exactly what zipslack is, and its written to a FAT

After we cut our teeth on zipslack dualbooting, we finally went full slackware,
and I really cannot recall any type of package manager.. it's been years since
I fooled with it, but everything one would need, we would have to search for
and it all came in a gzipped tar packet, and we would have to install
everything to its correct area for a system install, or even build it all,
which really would be preferible if one had the time for all that :)


Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

* Synchronet * KK4QBN - - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA