Subj : Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
To   : jagossel
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Aug 16 2017 02:41 pm

 Re: Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
 By: jagossel to KK4QBN on Tue Aug 15 2017 09:46 am

ja> Back when I tried Linux in 1999 (I believe), my dad had a copy of
ja> Slackware '96 and I remember having to create a floppy disk to boot from,
ja> and then I stopped at the command prompt (BASH) and then restarted the
ja> comouter to go back to Windows. It was pretty daugnting for my teenage
ja> with no experience in Linux back then.

I didn't have much experience with Linux either in those days, but sometimes I
still gave it a try to learn more about it.  I had used DOS before, so I wasn't
afraid of command prompts, but Linux had a completely different set of commands
and tools, so it had a learning curve..


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