Subj : Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
To   : KK4QBN
From : jagossel
Date : Mon Aug 14 2017 06:14 pm

 Re: Slackware 14.2 Sale [Was: CD Distribution Sale]
 By: jagossel to KK4QBN on Mon Aug 14 2017 18:08:41

>  >  Fr>> contact: [email protected]
>  >
>  >  Ni> Why do you think people these days would pay for this? This isn't 19
>  >  Ni> anymore. Broadband internet is common, and fewer people these days e
>  >  Ni> use CDs or DVDs anymore. It's fairly easy to download a Linux distro
>  >  Ni> write it to a USB flash drive (or CD/DVD if someone has a burner and
>  >  Ni> to do it that way).
>  >
>  > We've been trying to tell this persone this for a month or more.. they ju
>  > pissed when we do... maybe someone out there only has a 2400bps modem.. b
>  > that were the case, this slack would'nt install to their system.
> What I find interesting is that this is the latest version of Slackware.  Li
> many others have said: "Why?"  I can download it myself and just run it in a
> VM.  :)  Although, I never really used Slackware.  I've been partial to Arch
> Linux and that variant (specifically Antergos).

Sorry for "replying to myself", just noticed that you can order the Slackware
14.2 CD or DVD right off of the site:  The 6-CD set and
the DVD are both US$50.  As much as it used to be back in the 90s: US$60
(before inflation).

Imagine that, I didn't think that Linux distributions still sell CDs.

Code it, script it, automate it!

* Synchronet * KK4QBN - - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA