Subj : luckymobile, anyone?
To   : Nightfox
From : kk4qbn
Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 08:17 pm

 Re: luckymobile, anyone?
 By: Nightfox to kk4qbn on Thu Apr 18 2024 03:39 pm

Ni> Yeah, I thought they offered cool phones.  I don't know if Virgin Mobile
Ni> exists anywhere else, but at least in my area, they were taken over by
Ni> Boost Mobile.  I had bought a Samsung Galaxy S20 phone right after Boost
Ni> took over in 2020, and I noticed it was having problems staying connected
Ni> to LTE/data - Often it would disconnect and re-connect.  One day, I took
Ni> it in to a Boost Mobile shop and asked the employee there if they could
Ni> help.  They ended up calling central company support..  That phone did
Ni> have a SIM (though I heard the phone was still locked to Boost's network);
Ni> they tried swapping the SIM but then it wouldn't connect. Eventually they
Ni> swapped the original SIM back in, but the phone still wouldn't connect,
Ni> and it basically became unusable, and the store employee said they were
Ni> out of options and couldn't help more.  I decided to sell that phone on
Ni> eBay as-is (I mentioned what was going on), and I decided to buy an
Ni> unlocked phone and went to Verizon to set up service with them.  And

I've never been one who liked paying premium prices for a name. Yeah with some "premium" phones you do get better hardware, etc. I usually wait about 4 or 5 months until the "new" wears off a feature or service, and buy unlocked cheaper branded phones, never has steered me wrong and god forbid it gets stolen, dropped in a toilet, or ran over on I75 (all of this has happened to me) I'm not out too much money to replace it. :-)
Tim (kk4qbn)
� Synchronet � KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA