Subj : luckymobile, anyone?
To   : kk4qbn
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 03:39 pm

 Re: luckymobile, anyone?
 By: kk4qbn to Nightfox on Thu Apr 18 2024 04:33 pm

kk> gives me all the data I have ever needed. But I alway though Virgin mobile
kk> was pretty crafty with what they offered. they always tried to offer
kk> "Edgy" phones that were not only budget friendly for younger people, but
kk> also pretty cool for what they were.

Yeah, I thought they offered cool phones.  I don't know if Virgin Mobile exists anywhere else, but at least in my area, they were taken over by Boost Mobile.  I had bought a Samsung Galaxy S20 phone right after Boost took over in 2020, and I noticed it was having problems staying connected to LTE/data - Often it would disconnect and re-connect.  One day, I took it in to a Boost Mobile shop and asked the employee there if they could help.  They ended up calling central company support..  That phone did have a SIM (though I heard the phone was still locked to Boost's network); they tried swapping the SIM but then it wouldn't connect. Eventually they swapped the original SIM back in, but the phone still wouldn't connect, and it basically became unusable, and the store employee said they were out of options and couldn't help more.  I decided to sell that phone on eBay as-is (I mentioned what was going on), and I decided to buy an unlocked phone and went to Verizon to set up service with them.  And someone did buy the Boost phone on eBay.


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