Subj : luckymobile, anyone?
To   : Ogg
From : kk4qbn
Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 04:21 pm

 Re: luckymobile, anyone?
 By: Ogg to Digital Man on Thu Apr 18 2024 07:47 am

DM>> There's a new thing called "eSIM", maybe that's what they're referring
DM>> to:

Og> Locked-devices with physical SIMs predate eSIM tech which emerged in 2016.

Og> However, "Different mobile telephones may not support an eSIM, may have a
Og> permanently programmed, unchangeable one, or one that can be reprogrammed
Og> for any carrier that supports the technology.", there does seem to
Og> be a case were there are "unchageable" eSIMs.

Og> Since Dec 2017, "The CRTC, Canada's wireless regulator, has ruled that
Og> every cellphone sold in the country must be unlocked, and carriers can no
Og> longer charge their customers to unlock their current devices"

Og> Something similar took place in USA.

Og> So there is a narrow window when eSIM tech emerged 2016 and when the
Og> unlocking was mandated, and where some devices have the "unchangeable"
Og> eSIM variety.

I'd say less than 5-7 years ago, maybe a little longer, all sim card tech phones were GSM, att, etc.. and CDMA phones were mainly the locked phones, around here that was verizon, sprint, and some off their affiliates like virgin mobile, most all the ones that ran on CDMA were locked to their carriers, a lot of the GSMs could swap. afaik with 4-5g now all rolled out and 2 and 3g finally gone, I presume CDMA is now only used (maybe in radios?). but around here anyway, back in those days. verizon was king and none of their phones had sim card.
Tim (kk4qbn)
� Synchronet � KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA