Subj : luckymobile, anyone?
To   : OGG
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 08:59 am

> I just know that early on, the devices were locked to the
> seller.  But there was always the ability to change the SIM.

My first mobile may have had a SIM in it somewhere but you would have had
to take it apart to find it.  It didn't have a "SIM port" like the
otherwise closed Apple (and many Android) devices do today.  My second
phone, a flip phone that I really liked, may have had a SIM in it also but
I don't remember seeing one in the small battery compartment.

I got the first phone c2000 and the flip phone sometime between then and
2014, when I got my first "smart" phone.  It had a SIM card in the
battery compartment.

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