Subj : Self serve checkout
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Dec 22 2023 09:16 am

 Re: Self serve checkout
 By: Dumas Walker to NIGHTFOX on Thu Dec 21 2023 07:55 pm

>  Ar>> A sturdy reusable bag takes as much plastic to produce as 40
>  Ar>> expendable
>  Ar>> bags.

>  Ar>> I am not sure most people uses reusable bags for long enough to break
>  Ar>> even. Some people does but I don't think most do.

>> It seems to me that most people who use reusable bags buy them somewhere
>> else, nd the ones I usually see people using aren't plastic, but are made
>> of fabric some kind.

DW> In the first sentence, re: plastic bags, he is talking specifically to me
DW> about the "reusable" plastic bags that markets in Southern CA sell at the
DW> checkout.  They are slighly larger and thicker than the disposable bags,
DW> and are not as sturdy looking as the ones you are refering to (i.e. the
DW> ones that people who really care about the environment are going to be
DW> using).

I knwow what he was talking about - They have those bags at stores where I am too.


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