Subj : Full-service gas
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Dec 20 2023 11:44 am

 Re: Full-service gas
 By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Dec 20 2023 08:56 am

>> what i'm getting at is doing pumping service, etc is part of an old mindset
>> tha no longer works.  i'll pump my gas, walk into kwiktrip while it's
>> filling and e out.  no issue for me.

DW> With the decline in service to pretty much just pumping gas, I would have
DW> to agree... there is not much point in it.

The state where I live recently started to allow self-service gas pumping. I'm fine with pumping my own gas, and it does save time since you don't have to wait for an attendant, though there were times I did like not having to get out of my car to do that.


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