Subj : Self serve checkout
To   : MRO
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Wed Dec 20 2023 09:00 am

>  > They sell them as "reusable" bags, and they are a little bigger and thicker
>  > than the usual ones, but they are no where near as sturdy as the optional
>  > reusable bags you can buy upon checkout here.

> it just sounds like another scam that does nothing for the environment
> and makes more money for someone.  like i said those regular bags disintegrate
> even when packed in tight.  i've seen it with my own eyes.

I thought so also.  IMHO, if someone was concerned about the environment,
they'd buy some of the more sturdy (usually cloth or some synthetic) bags
and take those into the store with them.  The bags in question, being
similar to the regular bags, just thicker, don't seem like something you
could keep around near as long as the reusable alternatives, and also don't
seem like something that would disintegrate as fast as the regular plastic
bags.  Sounds more like a lose-lose.

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