Subj : Self serve checkout
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Vela025
Date : Wed Dec 20 2023 08:59 am

 Re: Self serve checkout
 By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Dec 19 2023 11:09 am

> >I haven't seen anybody have to type in a barcode manually for like 25
> I've seen them do it.  It has to be done by the person watching the
> self-check area (or another cashier) as they have to go into some screens
> that the customer won't have access to.  They usually have to scan their
> badge to get those screens to come up.
> I have not seen it often, but they can do it.

Here (UK) the customer can do it as there is a numeric keypad on the screen of
the self serve. There's one barcode that will stick in my memory for ever from
when I worked on a till 50201600 A Cadbury's Creme Egg (due to their shape the
individual eggs never scanned). I did used to know a lottery ticket as well but
that seems to have escaeped me!

This was from the days where the till was just a numeric keypad with function touch screen, and a single dotmatrix line display.  When the place
I worked finally did upgrade there was a dedicated button for Creme Eggs and
Lottery could also Win Key + R and load up solitaire for those
long shifts!

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