Subj : Self serve checkout
To   : Dumas Walker
From : MRO
Date : Tue Dec 19 2023 11:50 pm

 Re: Self serve checkout
 By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Dec 19 2023 11:08 am

> > at the machines i use the machine takes a photo and they review it.
> > they dont give you a shakedown.
> Here, I know the Walmart takes video as there are times they show you
> yourself on the screen.  If Kroger does, they don't let you know and there
> is no one between you and the door as you leave.
> IMHO, the areas where the shakedown specialists are in use are the areas
> where they have a lot of problems with shoplifters -- likely in cities or
> states where they have quit prosecuting them.

it gets me because i'm tall and i'll crack open my wallet and get my shoppers card out.
the camera thinks i'm fake scanning an item from the time i crack the wallet to when i scan then card.  it's stupid.  i guess it works though.

what really works is a watchful eye.  i saw a dude scan a case of beer and when it tells him to wait for id he just walks out like he bought it.  this old broad went after him and dude had to walk back.
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