Subj : Re: Internet
To   : Phigan
From : Nightfox
Date : Sun Dec 17 2023 10:54 am

 Re: Re: Internet
 By: Phigan to Nightfox on Sat Dec 16 2023 11:42 pm

>> self-checkouts at the store, yet people like to pump their own gas for

Ph> Yeh, I haven't seen anyone complain about someone else pumping their gas,
Ph> unless they were being charged more to do it. Then again, I don't live in
Ph> Oregon :). Been there once, though! Didn't mind letting someone else fill
Ph> 'er up. Back in the day, we had a full service option in my state. That
Ph> went away, though, because who wants to pay more for gas? People with
Ph> those jobs here weren't that careful anyway, I don't think.

With gas prices varying so widely (even between 2 gas stations down the street from each other), I think it's hard to even determine if you're really paying more for that.  I live within driving distance from Washington State (which is all self-service for gas), and their gas prices are pretty much on par with Oregon gas prices.

I've heard New Jersey also doesn't allow self-service gas (and is now the only US state that doesn't, now that Oregon allows it).

Ph> Personally, I don't use self-checkout because I'm not a fan of machines
Ph> replacing our workforce... or having ME replace the workforce! I'll let
Ph> another person check me out. That's one more job for them and possibly one
Ph> more available job elsewhere for someone like me.

I'm not a big fan of replacing the workforce either.  And that's one argument people here have had about gas station attendants - They're jobs people have where they're earning money, and allowing self-service gas would mean elimination of jobs.


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