Subj : Re: Internet
To   : Nightfox
From : Phigan
Date : Sat Dec 16 2023 11:42 pm

 Re: Re: Internet
 By: Nightfox to JaXson on Sat Dec 16 2023 06:07 pm

> One thing I've wondered about - People complain because they don't like
> self-checkouts at the store, yet people like to pump their own gas for their
> car and often don't like needing a gas station attendant.  Seems a bit
> contradictory.

Yeh, I haven't seen anyone complain about someone else pumping their gas,
unless they were being charged more to do it. Then again, I don't live in
Oregon :). Been there once, though! Didn't mind letting someone else fill 'er
up. Back in the day, we had a full service option in my state. That went away,
though, because who wants to pay more for gas? People with those jobs here
weren't that careful anyway, I don't think.

Personally, I don't use self-checkout because I'm not a fan of machines
replacing our workforce... or having ME replace the workforce! I'll let another
person check me out. That's one more job for them and possibly one more
available job elsewhere for someone like me.

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