Subj : Re: old houses and wifi
To   : poindexter FORTRAN
From : fusion
Date : Thu Oct 19 2023 12:11 pm

On 19 Oct 2023, poindexter FORTRAN said the following...

pF> -=> Charles Blackburn wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
pF>  CB> yea VLANs are great for segregation, but the problem is if you have
pF>  CB> something that's multicast (eg HDHomerun in my case), they can't cros
pF>  CB> subnets which sucks lol
pF> I have a homelab that I want to segment out, and I've always wanted to
pF> segment my IoT devices into their own network.
pF> For most home uses, VLANs are probably overkill.

yeah, depending on the devices i might firewall off their internet access.. or put them on a network with no internet at all.

i also have all the devices on my network labeled in iptraf.. just watch the lan station monitor for new stuff and if something can't be accounted for i get suspicious ;) that's how i found out one of my tvs was calling home even when it was off.. it's built in roku was pretty old so i ended up just taking out the wifi password on there.

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
* Origin: cold fusion - - grand rapids, mi