Subj : old houses and wifi
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Oct 13 2023 04:07 pm

 Re: old houses and wifi
 By: MRO to Nightfox on Fri Oct 13 2023 04:42 pm

MR> yeah i already ran ethernet downstairs for the 2nd access point. so it's
MR> either my thick ass walls or some other device interfering with the 2.5
MR> band. there's a wifi access points near me so that might be it.

One thing that could help might be to change the wifi channel that your router is using.  If there are many other wifi access points in your area, using a different channel can help deal with interference, especially if everyone else is using the default wifi channel.  I've heard it recommended to use either channel 1, 6, or 11 since they don't overlap in frequencies.

Also, there are smartphone apps that will scan the wifi frequencies near you and show you which ones are being used.


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