Subj : old houses and wifi
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Oct 13 2023 09:08 am

 Re: old houses and wifi
 By: MRO to All on Fri Oct 13 2023 12:18 am

MR> Anybody like me and live in a real old house with walls as hard as rocks?

MR> I have a router that is in the back of the house.  there's clear line of
MR> sight to the front of the house, not that many feet to the front porch. I
MR> have a big metal door and like i said the walls are hard as a rock.

MR> I can barely get wifi to my front cameras. I even tried swapping out other
MR> routers and same deal.  Also i have to use 2.5ghz for my dzees cameras.

MR> Anyone have this issue with wifi not getting through? should i spend 40
MR> bucks on a repeater that plugs in the wall?

A wifi repeater might help.

I've used powerline ethernet adapters in the past. A couple of those and a wifi access point that plugs into ethernet would probably work too (aside from a wifi repeater).  The last powerline ethernet adapters I was using were a pair of TP-Link AV2000, which I thought were fairly good:

The thing about any networking devices that run over your power lines is that your power lines can make a big difference in their speed and how reliable they can work.  I used a couple of powerline ethernet adapters at my house (my previous place I lived), and sometimes they'd randomly get disconnected.  At my current place, I never saw any disconnections.

I think a better option would be to run ethernet if possible.


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