Subj : Comcast fees
To   : Tracker1
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Jun 22 2023 09:06 am

 Re: Comcast fees
 By: Tracker1 to Nightfox on Wed Jun 21 2023 11:15 pm

Ni>> If you use Hulu with ads, one thing I've found is that their commercials
Ni>> are a lot louder than the show volumen. Once the commercials start, it's
Ni>> a bit annoying.

Tr> Yeah, most of the live tv does include ads, and you can't skip on a lot of
Tr> them. I mostly just sail the high sees, but the Hulu UX gets family
Tr> approval. I rarely use it myself.

Yes, many of them have ads; what I was saying was that Hulu has the ad volume louder than the content you're watching.  Other streaming services don't do that.


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